Thursday, January 13, 2011

Small Businesses and the Benefits of Going Green

Until recently, going green was something only larger businesses could afford to do. Recycled products and other green materials were simply too expensive and cost prohibitive for small businesses. However, as the green movement has grown, new products and production methods have hit the market making it possible for even small businesses to engage in the process of going green.

If you are looking to start a business and want to start off green or are looking for a way to change, your business or products into green products there are a few things to note. The benefits are well worth the expense even if you might not directly see those benefits. One of the biggest aspects of going green is reducing the footprint that is left on the environment.

"Impact footprint" includes materials and energy that are used from the environment. For example, a product that is made from a resource that is not renewable is going to have a greater environmental impact than the same object made from a product that is renewable. Materials such as steel that can be reused practically in their entirety even when melted down and reshaped have less of an impact than materials, which cannot be recycled.

Consumers have become increasingly aware of the impact that products have on the environment. As a result, these consumers have begun to purchase products, which are classified as green products and purchase from companies, which engage in green practices. The benefit of having these customers is that they tend to purchase products from companies they can trust repeatedly and regularly. They recommend and spread the word about companies which have a reduced environmental footprint and who engage in green practices and supply green products. They also are willing to spend a little extra or in some cases a lot extra in order to obtain these products and purchase from green companies.

They tend to purchase locally and often times purchase from smaller businesses since these businesses as a rule tend to have an easier time going green or starting out using green methods. Internet marketing helps small businesses reduce the amount of paper used. Everything from accounting to payroll and even applications and ordering can be done via the internet. Shipping materials now come in a variety of environmentally friendly options.

Even if you cannot go completely green, letting customers know you're attempting to lessen your businesses impact on the environment can help bring environmentally conscience customers to your business. Every business whether they are service or product oriented can benefit from going green. The benefits are numerous. Some of them include lessening the effect of your business on the environment, obtaining customers who are willing to spread the word, spend extra and are part of a rapidly increasing market that surpasses economic standings, age, and other market discriminating factors. Going green can offer small businesses the opportunity to reach markets and people who might otherwise be out of their target areas.

About the Author:
JD Carr, CGB - is a serial entrepreneur and consultant with over 14 years experience building Internet and digital media businesses. JD is a Certified Green Broker and specializes in commercial building sustainability and finance with A vocal advocate for environmental issues, JD writes and lectures frequently on the subject and is committed to helping entrepreneurs realize the positive goals their organizations can achieve through sustainable business practices and certification.

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