Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Few Simple Going Green Tips to Save Environment

Everywhere, everyone has started learning the going green tips. There are many go green movements and it is our duty to take part and go green as much as possible. Here are few going green tips that would bring change in our life style and save some cash.

Going Green In House

1. Close the running tap water, when not needed.

2. Use the dishwasher, when the dishes are full. Try to avoid using it more often i.e. for each single plate.

3. Try to be cautious in using water. Turn off taps when not used. By this way, it is estimated every home can save more than a gallon of water, which is very high when combined in a local.

4. Turning off Lights and saving electricity as much as possible is also a way to go green. During the daytime, it is good to open windows and screens to let sunlight in and fill house with warmth. After all, sunlight is essential for body in the form of vitamin A.

5. The local power company would be able to provide a free presentation on how to make the home a better energy efficient home.

Going Green with Recycling and Reusing

1. Giving away unwanted or unusable materials to free service organizations is a better way to start going green.

2. Reusing the furniture would save some extra money spent on newer furniture. For example, one can remodel a table by adding sheets of wood to it and create his own wardrobe.

3. Recycling paper, plastics, glass and metals could also be done by making use of the local trash pickup service.

4. Instead of simply throwing older items, one can use his creativity in creating the essence out of them. For example, the older screen cloth could be stitched with flat sheets and made as curtains or cloth piece covering the shades of the lamp. They are easy and cheap in terms of interior decorating materials.

5. Choosing reusable water bottles in comparison with plastic bottles every month is a nice way to avoid using plastics and reusing the water bottles. They may be expensive at the beginning, but once getting used to it, they would prove worthy providing health and hygiene besides going green.

Going Green with Transport

1. Carpooling or vehicle pooling is the best way to save environment from three or four times the pollution. Carpooling can be done with friends, neighbors, or relatives working in the same direction as yours, not necessarily the same company.

2. Maintaining the vehicle regularly and providing it for service near a service station would help minimize its pollution output.

3. Many companies have started offering the plan 'Work while you are at home'. Enjoying this benefit not only saves green, but also enables one to spend quality time together in a family and allowing to save costs of travelling and fuel.

These are some of the going green tips. Following them will give a healthy and wealthy life.

I hope these going green tips are useful to you and that they will help you to make your life better.

Chukwuemeka Fred Agbata is a Serial Entrepreneur, Coach, Internet and Network Marketer. He uses his past experiences to teach people how to lead a more fulfilled life and creates awareness on the importance of going Green. For more tips and training visit Creating Fresh Awareness

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