Sunday, January 16, 2011

Going Green is Not Just For Big Business - You Can Grow Eco-Profits, Too!

The world of big business is making daily headlines by "going green" after discovering that what's good for the planet is also proving good for business.

IBM recently announced "Project Big Green," a $1 billion initiative to reduce energy consumption by offering new lines of energy-efficient IT products.

Wal-Mart is adding solar power to more than 20 stores.

PepsiCo is buying renewable energy certificates to offset its carbon footprint. Even major banks and energy firms are being asked by shareholders to prove that they, too, are going green.

It's not just the biggest businesses that are attracting new customers and shareholders and reaping huge profits by "going green." Small businesses also are growing eco-profits by embracing surprisingly inexpensive strategies to add value to their products, services and brand.

Consider these innovative examples:

- Bob Smith of Mad River Brewing Company in Blue Lake, California, has attracted positive publicity (and new customers) by promoting his efforts to reduce his small firm's waste output and take other environmentally conscious steps. In turn, he has received welcome positive publicity from the press. "What PR budget? That is our PR budget," he told the Albuquerque Tribune about "going green" to market his business.

- In Florida, Natalie Kelly formed Home Therapy Cleaning Services, which uses only nontoxic, all-natural cleaning products for her home cleaning business. She used to sell aromatherapy candles from her home, she told the St. Petersburg Times, but today uses an aromatherapy baking soda blend to freshen carpets.

Here's what you can do:

- Two inexpensive ways any small business or solo entrepreneur can go green are to change light bulbs to energy-efficient bulbs and use biodegradable cleaning products.

- With that done, tell your customers and the media about these simple ways to go green. You will have just earned instant credibility as a green business, and also as a media resource for simple, effective ways to "go green."

- Many communities online and offline are forming networks to exchange energy-saving ideas for home and business. Form your own energy network, enlisting neighborhood businesses that will welcome another opportunity to show they're going green, too. The plus for you is that you will have just positioned yourself and your business as a community environmental leader.

- Copy what the New York Times called "Phase 2" of the corporate response to global warming. Partner with an environmental group. Travelocity invites customers to donate an extra $10 to $40, which goes to the Conservation Fund to plant trees to offset the carbon used by a client to take a trip. Whole Foods invites customers to buy a $5 "wind power card" that goes to Renewable Choice Energy to build wind farms. What local environmental group can you partner with to promote on your Web site (and vice versa), to set aside a day that a percentage of profits will go to that organization or to make their fliers available at your business?

- Make use of readily available, free information to hand out with your business literature or to make available in your office. For example, create a one-page flier on your letterhead inviting clients to calculate their own carbon footprint by visiting or

- Go deeper green! Attend a "green" conference in your community or region, and promote your attendance. (Go to and type in "green" and "conference" and your area to find out when and where they are scheduled.) Write a "green" article on simple ways you are going green and submit it to one of the dozens of "green" Web sites and blogs that invite reader contributions. It's a great way to market your smart ideas and your business!

Ruth Klein, the De-Stress Diva (tm) and Branding Guru, is the proverbial Woman About Town. Holding a Master's in Clinical Psychology, consulting with renowned businesses - small and large. Ruth is a consultant, author, speaker, radio show host, branding strategist and productivity coach.

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Saturday, January 15, 2011 - New Solar Panel Product - Earn $79 on each sale

New website & salescopy, must see. Converting like crazy! Do not lose out on this opportunity, test your traffic for proof! Get in early and profit big time. Check out the affiliate page. Up to 100% Commission Go now...

Check it out!
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What Does Going Green Mean?

Going Green Means...

If you type in a search with the words, "what does going green mean?" you will find a million answers to the question. I think it is a good the question and it is about time we really think, I mean spend some time thinking about the meaning of going green.

I lived in the south for good part of my life. The logging industry is big in south Mississippi and at times, the loggers would find spikes driven into the trees they were going to cut for paper to stop the green from being cut. This sabotage does not fit the description of going green. Actually, a person who risks another person's life over a tree is a fool and a criminal. You can go green without being a fanatical treehugger.

What does going green mean and where do you start? Going green means returning to natural, healthy methods of living. It means breathing fresh air, eating healthy foods, conserving our forest and wild life and using alternative medicines when possible. I guess if you could sum up the meaning of going green, it would involve using common sense. No, don't dump the oil from your car in the river. Use a water filter in your home. Take a clothe bag to the store and use all natural cleaners in the home or make your own cleaners out of natural ingredients. Come on, going green is not that difficult.

Most of us today are attempting to go green. You certainly don't have to be fanatical about this project just be diligent. Start slowly, but start today going green. Let me give you a formula to follow to get started.

Formula for Going Green

1. Turn the water off when you not using it.

2. Learn how to wash your car water free or with 3 gallons of water.

3. Take clothe bags to the store. Try it you can do this.

4. Walk when you can or car pool, use less gas.

5. Buy all natural, organic food products for a change.

6. Buy a simple little water filter.

7. Use all natural cleaners in your home and on your car.

Why don't you make a list of things you could do to start the journey into the green world with out going fanatical? In addition, it would be good to come up with your own definition of going green. Whatever you decide to do in regards to going green, make sure it is a good for you, your family and the world.

Dr Bob is President and co-founder of Calgreen LLC, Nature's Solution for Living. He is committed to providing the world with eco-friendly, all natural products as an alternative to toxic chemicals. He is also committed to providing education and information to all people about how to change.

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Going Green Saves You Green - Money

Going green is a popular term used today. Today we have become slaves of technology. We are totally dependent on machines, vehicles for transportation etc. which run on oil, gas, electricity and other forms of energy. These machines, vehicles emit harmful chemicals and pollute our surroundings. We can go green by minimizing or completely avoiding use of non-toxic cleaning products, avoiding use of plastic, rubber, recycling the trash, minimizing the use of appliances with a heating element, avoiding use of chemical fertilizers, etc.

Being green will not only make our earth a safe place to live but will also help to save money. Some studies show green buildings can cut energy bills 30 percent and increase employee productivity 10 to 15 percent by creating a healthier work environment. Broadly speaking going green can benefit the environment, society and individuals in many ways, such as:

Less consumption of oil, water & natural resources: Much of the energy is consumed for cooling, heating and other miscellaneous work. 20% and more of the U.S.'s yearly energy are consumed inside our homes. Electronic and household appliances which still consume energy even while turned off called "phantom loads". Most of this energy is derived from oil and gas which are the major contributors to global warming. However, a green home can actually reduce our energy use up to 40% and its water use by 50% thus reducing its impact on our planet.

Improves and enhances quality of life: Going green means using natural, non-toxic materials and products which is healthier and safer for you and the environment. It avoids using chemicals, toxic and poisonous products in our day to day life, which has harmful effects on our health, our family and our pets. These toxic chemicals are not just dangerous pollutants inside our home, they are equally as dangerous to our outside environment where they can seep into our rivers, lakes and streams and contaminate the ground water that we, as well as animals, depend on to drink.

Helps to saves money: Being green or green homes usually use natural ways to keep their homes cool or warm by making use of trees. Thus saving hundreds of dollars every year.

Enhances productivity and efficiency: Going-green helps us to have green cities which in turn have clean air, water and pleasant streets and parks. Thus promotes healthy environment which increases human efficiency and productivity by 15 to 20% and boost economic growth.

Improves and ensures good health: Green cities and towns have clean, fresh air to breathe, pure water as a result the risk of major infectious disease outbreaks is low thus ensuring good health.

Maintains ecological balance: Due to unnatural habits and ways of living, increased use of harmful chemicals, toxic pollutants our planet is facing the threat of global warming, unpredictable seasons, low rainfall, increased temperature. By going-green we can help to saves and protects our planet from harmful effects of chemicals, pollutants, toxic gasses, etc. Also we can help to conserve natural resources which are scarce.
Benefits of going green not only save you money but also it provides cleaner, healthier environment to live.

Roxanne (Roxy) Kim-Perez is an award winning professional landscape designer providing landscape design service in and around San Diego. Her design firm is a landscape design company that specializes in xeriscape landscape designs with emphasis on water smart landscaping, low maintenance and comfortable designs for Southern California home owners.

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To Grandmother's House We Go [VHS]

To Grandmother's House We Go [VHS]When they overhear their stressed-out single mom (Northern Exposure's Cynthia Geary) calling them "a handful," twins Julie and Sarah decide to give mom a break and go to grandma's for Christmas. So they stuff their backpacks and stow away on a city bus, beginning an odyssey that will first find them in a delivery van operated by Roy Rogers-obsessed driver Eddie (soap opera veteran J. Eddie Peck). Then a karate chop to Eddie's head later, they're at the mercy of a happily married pair of thieves (Rhea Perlman, Jerry Van Dyke) and, ultimately, a team of spooked runaway horses posing as reindeer. Luckily Eddie already has a crush on Mom, who manages his favorite mini-mart, and together the pair track down the missing twins, who, meanwhile, are having the ride of their lives. The Olsen twins are in their Full House bloom in this 89-minute made-for-TV movie, which means their brand of innocuous brattiness is still more charming than annoying. Perlman and Van Dyke get to ham it up as lovable criminals, and Geary and Peck find G-rated romance once he adjusts to the idea that his mini-mart sweetie has kids and he learns to share his Lotto winnings. (Suitable for all ages.) --Kimberly Heinrichs

Price: $6.93

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Green Marketing (new) Biz Opp Product

New Green product, great to send to previous Diy Guide buyers and any Business Opportunity lists. For affiliate support, email

Check it out!
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Going Green With Green Baby Gifts

How can you go green with green baby gifts? What are the best types of green baby gifts to give? There are 3 general ways of going green when shopping for babies:

1) Buy gifts that are good for the environment,

2) Give gifts that are environmentally friendly as well as healthy for the baby, and

3) Green your shopping and giving habits.

1) Buy baby gifts that are good for the environment. Buy products that are made from recycled material and are easily recyclable. Bamboo products are a new and good trend. Clearing bamboo releases a lower level of carbon into the atmosphere. It is easily replaced and it grows fast. It's also very biodegradable.

2) Environmentally friendly and healthy gifts for your baby are another way of going green. Shop for organically made clothing, made with non-toxic materials. Baby's bodies are especially susceptible to toxins in the air. Brain research shows that the first 6 months of a child's development are the most crucial and the brain needs fresh air, good nutrition, and a safe environment throughout childhood.

3) Green your shopping and giving habits. Save gas and energy by shopping online. You can often find special deals only available online. When in doubt, give gift certificates. These saving on packaging, travel, and give the freedom for your friends to spend more money on their babies in the way they want. There are many great Organic and environmentally-friendly products for babies (to check out some of these gifts, follow me through the resource box below). Use recycled wrapping paper. Instead of wrapping paper, use ribbons. A lot of gifts look great with only a ribbon around them- very stylish and saves a lot of trees. Or consider putting gifts in reusable gift bags. Give green gifts by greening your shopping habits.

Doing these three things will help make our babies save and healthy now, and help renew the earth for our babies to live healthy when they grow up. For some ideas of excellent green baby gifts and more green gift ideas, check out my resource box below. You'll also find more tips on going green.

Thanks for reading!

Green gifts for babies are a great way of Going Green Check out some green baby gifts and more green gift ideas at

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