Monday, January 10, 2011

Does Going Green Mean You Have to Be a Tree Hugger?

So many people think that going green means they have to completely change everything about their lifestyle and become a tree hugger. Nothing could be farther from the truth. All you have to do is make a few small changes to go green. If you try to make huge changes, you will probably give up and return to your old ways, so it is best to make small changes to start.

Let me give you an example of what I am talking about. I do the grocery shopping in my family. I bought a few canvas sacks and carry them with me when I go to the grocery store. This is going green. I still drive my pick up truck to the store and that is not going green, but my truck was bought years before going green was even on my radar screen. If I had to change my entire life to go green, I would have to get rid of the truck and get a Prius. I simply am not going to do that just yet, but I will probably buy a greener vehicle when I am in the market for a new car. Does this make sense? Going green can be a slow gradual process.

I used to brush my teeth with the water running. Today, I turn the water off until I need it. That is going green and it is a small change but it matters. I suppose I will someday change out my toilet to a low water green toilet. It's just that I am not ready to do it just now.

My gas powered lawn mower broke. I was happy to use it until it broke, but since it broke, I looked into green lawn mower alternatives. I bought an electric mower and I love it. I have a couple of posts about it on this blog. I am not being fanatical about going green. I just thought it might be a good alternative that also solved a safety issue I had with my son. The green aspect is just a nice by-product of the purchase.

What I am trying to say is this. Don't let the fanatical tree hugging green people put you on a guilt trip for not becoming totally green. Do it slowly. Make one change and then make another when you are ready. Eventually you will see that it is easy to make significant changes but you do not have to be fanatical about it.

Bruce Bussell is the creator of You Can Go Green and gives easy to follow advice on how to go green and has never been one to back away from controversial topics regarding environmentalism. Check out his blog at

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